Wednesday Walker Spotlight – Colleen

369459_1022016997_838118378_nHey Everybody!! Meet Colleen
Colleen is one of the captains on AS Standing Tall Together. She lives with her husband and 2 children in California, where she operates a daycare.
As we gear up for Walk Your AS Off 2013 she is coming off the 3rd anniversary of her diagnosis of Seronegative AS. (HLA B27-) This form of AS runs in Colleen’s family effecting her father and uncle, so naturally passing AS on to her children is a big concern for her. Neither of her children carry the genetic marker for AS but both do have the “growing pains” that many of us can relate to.
Colleen is struggling with the adjustments of living with AS. She is allergic to most of the medications used to combat our disease, so she seeks out natural anti-inflammatory remedies to control her pain and fusing. While her diagnosis was a fast one, she has had symptoms since the age of 9.
Colleen is walking to raise awareness for AS in her local community. She and her husband were involved in a car accident and during her assessment in the ER she ran into the familiar old stereotypical medical myth that AS is a men’s only disease and that you must be 100% fused in order to have AS.. Let’s help Colleen step up and stomp out these old myths about AS. Below are some photos of Colleen & her family.
You can follow Colleen and her team AS Standing Tall Together at
Until next week!
If you would like to be our Wednesday Walker Spotlight or have a team member with an interesting story to tell..
Contact Chris Scott at or
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One thought on “Wednesday Walker Spotlight – Colleen

  1. Michelle Fitch says:

    So happy to see you as a walker spotlight thankful to have you as a captain on our team couldn’t do it without you proud to call you a dear friend Colleen

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