Category Archives: pAwS for our cause

Monday Motivation – Our Very Special pAwS Partners

Musical Motivation Monday – by Heather Stewart It’s Monday again my dear AS-tronauts! This week only one thing continuously came to mind for me. Our pAwS partners! Some of you may not have realized or maybe you don’t remember that this year we are including the steps of our four-legged, tail wagging, barking friends. Why? […]

5 Days to Starting Line And 5 Reasons To Walk With Us!

  Is everyone gearing up for our 2014 Walk Your A.S. Off! Just five days to our starting line for 2014! If you needed more reasons to give your friends & family to join us and walk – well here are 5 reasons although we could come up with oodles more! 1. You already walk […]

Paws For Our Cause

We have had a number of our walkers ask us if we could include their dog in our walk! The answer was, “of course” but then I learned that people wanted to count the steps of their furry friends and that took us some time to figure out if that was something we could, should, […]